Parental Benefits: Mother’s Day & Father’s Day Animated Emails
We took an unusual approach to educating employees about parental benefits – by emailing them Mother’s Day and Father’s Day cards. Open and CTR rates were the highest ever.

Well-Being Benefits: Take Care Campaign
Our “Take Care” message was the global theme to employees during COVID-19. We created weekly print and digital pieces to bolster well-being during lockdowns.

Well-Being Benefits: Take Care Campaign
With decentralized employees across the globe, we used a range of tactics including Yammer posts, mobile displays, internal newsletters, flyers, digital displays and more.
Well-Being Benefits: Take Care Campaign
With decentralized employees across the globe, we used a range of tactics including Yammer posts, mobile displays, internal newsletters, flyers, digital displays and more.
Medical Benefits: FLU SHOT animated
Flu shots are critical during a pandemic. With employees working from home, our “Immune Strong” campaign found new ways to communicate, including branded Zoom backgrounds.

Medical Benefits: New Surgery Requirements Video
Just one of our videos that help employees use their health care benefits to the fullest!

What’s your need? Your next hot project? Let’s talk.